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Our musical style is unconventional 60s, please feel free to listen to our tracks:

  "Where Eagles Fly"
"It Ain't Surprising"

Had a very hectic April on the writing side, suddenly the month was gone. Didn't have a chance to post up more friends and music. However, lets get down to it for May.

Uncle Figgis -  Lead guitarist Johnny GreenThis months first profile features one of my oldest and dearest friends Mr. T. C Turner, singing, "Where Eagles Fly".

My first association with TC was in a skiffle group way back in 1958 where he played 'tea chest bass'. Not an easy piece of kit to get a gig (no group van in those days). Sometimes if you were lucky, you could cadge a lift in a car, but of course back then not too many people had a car. Usually you walked to local gigs or else took the bus, not easy on a single decker with a tea chest. Double deckers were best, you could get the tea chest under the stairs but only if the conductor was obliging.

Eventually TC ditched the tea chest and moved up front to become a singer where his distinctive voice and good looks quickly established him as a popular front man and he gained valuable experience fronting a Berkhamsted outfit called 'The Stormbreakers' who were the resident band during the early sixties at the then famous California Ballroom in Dunstable. Then in the early seventies TC teamed up with me again in a band called 'Wind of Change' attaining some cult status on the club scene. We also enjoyed a little success backing and recording with Kent singer Guy Darrel.

Over the years TC has lost none of his touch, still a great voice and I look forward to many more contributions from Mr. T. C Turner.

Uncle Figgis musician - Mr T. C TurnerOur second profile this month features Johnny Green on 'It ain't Surprising". Johnny is a very accomplished lead guitarist and over the years has embraced many styles. On it ain't Surprising, he steps forward on mandolin. It certainly gives and unusual feel to the number. Johnny provides lead guitar on most Figgis offerings. He's been playing guitar since the mid sixties and now is a first choice for a number of scratch bands in the High Wycombe area. He played for a number of years in a country outfit called 'Neon Moon'. I played with johnny for a couple of years in a band called 'Chapter Six'. He's also currently a regular with a popular local band 'Cookie and the Blue Jays'. More on Johnny and TC down the line.

Enjoy listening
Uncle Figgis



  Rythym guitar Bill Figgis
  Lead guitar Johnny Green
  Bass Tammy Tampsett and George Hunt
  Drums Mike Scatley and Alan Lacey
  Keyboard Steve Wells
  Vocals Mr. 'C T' Turner and Keith Hewitt

Recorded at M.A.R.S in Chesham
Produced and Engineered by Martin Atkinson and Steve Wells


Our lineup includes, Bill Smyth - there from the beginning in the 60s, guitarist and songwriter, plus a list of very accomplished musicians and producers who join in to make the tracks a pleasure to listen to.
Hear more...

Uncle Figgis and Friends  : :  07985 673965  : :  info@unclefiggis.co.uk

Uncle Figgis group are all based in or around High Wycombe and South Bucks and plays many types of original music, from 60s, 70s style, country, ballads and much more.

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